Zotero 7 Beta [feature request]: reorder item pane tabs

I really like the new item pane with collapsable tabs.

It would be cool if I could move the "Attachment" tab above "Info" so that when scrolling through items I can first see the PDF and then the item "Info" tab.

While I can "pin" the attachment tab, which keeps it at the top and visible while scrolling, this means the "Info" tab is not visible since pinning simple scrolls the "Attachment" pane to the top and thus hides the "Info" tab that is above it.
  • Yes, we were likely going to have to add reordering for plugins anyway, and we can consider expanding that to the built-in sections.

    We actually played with making the attachment preview a separate section. There are pros and cons, but it sounds like you would actually prefer to have that as a separate section, and might keep it at the top above Info?
  • I think that'd be my preference so I could easily see the PDF and at least first part of the Info tab without having to scroll the item pane.
  • +1, I love the new item pane but this would be super helpful!
  • +1
    Really enjoyed the new layout! Would love to be able to reorder (and perhaps hide some of?) the panes though!
  • +1

    Would love if these worked like the side panels in VSCode do where in addition to folding up/down sections you can drag to reorder the sections and set the max height of each section (with content scrolling within the section)

    Right now many of my entries have very large "Info" sections which pushes the rest of the sections down off the bottom of my screen. I'd love to be able to see the first few rows of the info section, my tags, and a preview of the PDF all at once as these are the details I use constantly to see what venue a paper was published in, check if I've tagged it as read, and peek at the PDF preview to see if I've marked up the document itself
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