Zotero 7 macOS stuck at "Preparing Sync" Debug ID D1935769910

Not able to manually stop the sync either. Checked the previous solutions at https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/88275/sync-stuck-at-preparing-sync. I do not have a VPN.

https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/105366/zotero-org-sync-stuck-at-preparing-sync-step indicates that zotero might be under maintanence. But I could not find an announcement for it.

Much thanks for this useful software.
  • Report ID: 124642852
  • [JavaScript Error: "InternalError: too much recursion" {file: "jar:file:///Users/[…]/Library/Application%20Support/Zotero/Profiles/w8hw0kdw.default/extensions/better-bibtex@iris-advies.com.xpi!/content/better-bibtex.js" line: 58124}]
    Restart in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”), which temporarily disables all plugins. If that fixes it, this is likely a problem with Better BibTeX and you'll need to report it to the developer.
  • I uninstalled Better Bibtex and this issue is resolved. I will follow up with them, thank you and regards.
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