issue with extra field orginal-date format

The style I'm creating for my institution needs to have the creation date for the datasets, when different from the last update. I'm using the extra field 'original-date' for that date, but it's displayed in en-US format, even though the CSL is set to en-UK.

Here is an example:
European Commission: Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, ‘Safety Gate (the EU rapid alert system – non-food)’, Version 1.5, 14 December 2018, created February 1, 2016, accessed 6 May 2024,

I would really appreciate any help.
  • We'd need to see the style for a start (post to GitHub, or a similar code sharing site
  • Thanks adamsmith for your availability, but I already found out the issue. I had the language set differently in two places: in one it was en-UK and in another en-GB. I changed everything to en-GB and the problem was solved.
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