Zotero 7 EPUB font- Book font instead of just custom font???

Currently in Zotero 7, we have to select a font to be used for epub books in settings, but changing font sometimes looses the formatting, currently I'm reading a book, which uses I don't know which font, to number some lines, but if custom font is used, these becomes symbols and hard to understand which line that is. but in other reader, if I select book font, then everything is rendered perfectly, so we definitively need an option to use the font that is included in the book.
  • Please email the book with the numbering issue to support@zotero.org. We'll look into supporting book-defined fonts.
  • Today I wanted to send the book file via email, but when i opened it on the latest beta, Numbering is working smoothly now.. it seems to have been fixed, don't know what changed.. Thanks for the hard work.
  • We fixed an issue that was preventing books from using custom fonts for things like list numbering. If a book still appears incorrectly and you want to use its custom font everywhere, click the Appearance button in the reader toolbar and check “Use original font”.
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