Disable the pop-up window when hovering over citation links

I am one of the few people who do not want to use the function of clicking on citation links to jump to the reference.
How can I disable the function of clicking on citation links to jump to the reference?
How can I disable the pop-up window when the mouse hovers over the citation link?
I hope someone can give me a solution, thank you !
  • edited August 3, 2024
    (I deleted your comments in the other threads, since you're conflating multiple things here and it wasn't clear what you were referring to, and because posting the same thing to multiple threads is distracting and unhelpful.)

    These are two separate features:

    1) Clicking to jump to a reference is a standard feature of PDFs that exists in all PDF readers — the links are in the PDFs themselves. There's no way to disable that. (Also, I'm not clear why this is a problem? If you don't want to follow a link…don't click it.)

    2) The popup window that shows linked and cited references and figures is a Zotero feature. It can't currently be disabled.
  • These links and pop-up windows interfere with normal reading and text selection. In standard PDF readers, you can set it so that links only open when Ctrl+Click is used. It would be great if you could add an option to navigate links with Ctrl+Click and disable pop-ups.
  • I apologize for posting the comments multiple times. I thought it would increase visibility and the chances of getting helpful advice. I won’t do it again in the future. @dstillman
  • I have the same problem with the pop-ups when reading/highlighting. Has anyone found a work around?
  • @casepulevedam: What problem, exactly?
  • The problem that the OP describes with the unwanted pop-ups.
    The pop-ups get in the way when I highlight a paper (PDF) using the desktop version. Although the pop-ups are a cute feature, they can get distracting if you actually read and highlight the paper from a computer screen.
  • @casepulevedam Could you clarify when exactly the popups are distracting? The popups are only shown when hovering over an internal PDF link or a citation, and you have to hold the cursor over it deliberately. How exactly is that interfering with your reading and highlighting?
  • I find that these pop-ups can be quite distracting when they appear above the portion of text I'm currently focused on. The unwanted pop-up ends up blocking the very words I'm trying to read at that moment, which impairs my ability to smoothly read through the passage.
    I know the intention may have been to provide the pop-up when the user holds over the link to select it. However, this distraction can also happen simply when moving the mouse pointer to a new spot to begin highlighting. During the natural flow of reading and highlighting, some readers often move their mouse over the text, selecting passages as they go. So even without clicking and holding, the pop-ups can disrupt the reading experience.
    While some users might have a different experience, there are journals out there that are minefields of links, making this issue particularly problematic.
  • I think you're talking about "Smart Reference Popup", and I want to turn that off, too.
    This results in a lot of highlighting in the PDF, which is very bad in a review paper.

  • edited December 4, 2024
    I also would like to be able to turn off this feature.

    It does not work properly on

    1) equation heavy articles.


    2) review articles with already existing refs.


    Edit: I would like to add/stress that this is an extremely useful feature of zotero, however, when it does not work on a pdf that the user spends a lot of time and not being able to use already working hyperrefs, it becomes frustrating.
  • This feature really distract people when doing deep reading.
    The screenshot above is an example of how lage the pop-up window can be when you just hovering your cursor around, which you may not want such a big window appear unexpectedly.
    At least there should be an option for the readers choose to disable.
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