I was trying to import references for a shared library when zotero crashed.
  • Can you say more about exactly what you're doing and what happened?
  • I will try to give a bit more context, but unfortunately there is no much more information.
    My zotero has been crashing almost all the time during the last days. It start a sync that hardly ever end, and when I try to manipulate my library (merging references, deleting, moving files or folders) it stop responding. Yesterday I tried to build a new library for a review, and it crashed while I was importing the .ris files that I extracted from pubmed, lilacs and scopus.
    I tried a fresh installation without much improvement, so now I'm attempting to clean my library from previous works, and see if a reduction in reference amounts results. It seems a bit better now, but I will try dealing with that references later. Also, I confess that deleting my old libraries is a bit disappointing, since once I start writing a new paper I will need then back.
  • You don't have to delete anything yet. The point of posting here is to let us help you and suggest things to do before you try drastic things that we don't recommend.

    Is Zotero crashing or is it freezing? Crashing means that it's actually closing. Freezing means that it's not responding but is staying open, and might resolve if you give it more time.

    To be clear, though, you have 125,000 items (including child items). That's quite a lot.

    To start, I would recommend trying the 64-bit version of the Zotero 7 beta, which should be quite a lot faster than Zotero 6 and better support larger libraries.
  • Hi again.
    Well it both crashes and freezes. To be clearer, it at least crashed three times this week, while I was trying to handle these references issues, generating a number to be posted on the forum (this is the third - the others were lost). It almost always freeze when I open it, but after some time I´m able to use it again for a while. But as soon as I start merging duplicates it freezes again. I will download the 7 beta. Shall I do the upgrade or wait a bit?
  • You should try the beta. Again, be sure to get the 64-bit version.
  • Ok. I will try that and then provide some feedback.
  • Hi. so, it is working a bit better with 64 bit 7 beta. However, is still takes a lot of time to merge duplicates. Also, looking at data and time creation of the duplicates, it seems that the older version imported the same ris files at least 6 to 8 times when the new library was created.
  • edited August 2, 2024
    It would have the same items if you imported the same files multiple times, and that would certainly explain why you would have such a huge library. You should sort by Date Added and delete entire sets of duplicates, and then empty the trash.
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