Citation without the & symbol or "and" between authors

My citations must be in some variation of Harvard style: “([first author] [issue date]; [second author] [issue date])” e.g. (Willson 1998; Bell 1998). What I wouldn't do in CSL is display the citation in this form (Willson and Bell 1998). I think my CSL is getting the data from this column
instead of the individual author data
Can you help me please
  • Are you sure that's actually what you need?
    I don't believe what you're asking is possible in CSL, but it's also not, in any way, what people usually refer to as "Harvard": In Harvard styles, first and second authors are _always_ listed together -- joined by "and", &, /, or simply a comma.

    Where you see (Willson 1998; Bell 1998), this refers to two separate works.

    Adding the publication year, redundantly, after every author seems very much undesirable (and isn't possible in CSL).
    Zotero/CSL isn't getting the info from the middle column, but joining authors as the citation style prescribes.
    Do you have a link to a description of the style you're looking for?
  • You were right and it is exactly about the citation style as you wrote. I misunderstood my guidelines. Thank you
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