Word not communicating with zotero on mac

I've looked at the prior forums about this issue and have done all recommendations - quitting and restarting the apps and my laptop - to no avail.
The IT help desk check word and told me it's a zotero issue.
I'd like to uninstall zotero and install version 7.
Will I loose my references? I have hundreds...
Thank you
  • edited July 25, 2024
    So that a Zotero developer or experienced volunteer can help you, please provide more information. This could be something very simple to fix. you will not loose your Zotero library records.

    What version of Word?
    What operating system and its version?
    What is your current Zotero version?

    If you have hundreds of Zotero records you are familiar with the software. Has Zotero worked with Word before now?
  • Word for Mac: Version 16.87 (24071426)
    MacOS Sonoma
    Zotero: 6.0.37

    I've used it multiple times and it has worked with word fine
  • edited July 26, 2024
    Have you tried reinstalling the Word plugin from Cite → Word Processor Plugins pane of the Zotero preferences.

    Please better describe "not communicating ".

    Do you have the Zotero controls in Word but nothing happens when you add a citation?

    Are the Zotero controls now missing from Word?

    Were you able to add a few references but can't add more?

    Does Zotero "communicate " if you start a new empty Word document?

    Have you tried visiting the Zotero home page and downloading / reinstalling Zotero for Mac? You shouldn't need to uninstall it before you reinstalling. You will not loose your Zotero library records.

  • I have the zotero controls installed in word - Earlier today I worked with our IT help folks and we uninstalled and reinstalled the zotero controls.
    When I click on add/edit citation, I get his message: "Word could not communicate with Zotero. Please ensure that Zotero is open and try again"
    I cannot add any references
    I have gone to zotero homepage but was reluctant to uninstall/reinstall. I will take hour advice and get back to you.
  • Unless your work depends on a Zotero plugin. I see no reason not to update to 7 beta. I've been using it and it is rock solid stable. But your problem might not go away with the new version simply by installing it. there may be a different issue that someone can easily help you with.

  • (@DWL-SDCA: Thanks for trying to help, but our troubleshooting steps for word processor issues are pretty streamlined, and it doesn't really serve anyone to ask lots of unnecessary questions or make ad-hoc suggestions. We have precisely written documentation for the vast majority of issues.)
  • I have completed all of the above to no avail. The university where I work has installed Carbon Black Cloud and I intermittently get a message "an application was blocked" - so I'm now thinking that that's the issue, but would appreciate any suggestions as our Health Sciences Library uses/recommends Zotero, and many people use Macs as I do.
  • This is something your IT department will need to resolve:

This discussion has been closed.