Can Zotero support my unusual workflow?


I'm writing a book in a text editor not supported by Zotero (not Word/Libreoffice/Google docs). I have manually entered my citations into Zotero where each chapter's citations become a collection within the Zotero "My Library."

The trouble is that each citation I manually enter becomes its own unique reference. For example, I want to reference the book "Red Mother" in several pages, but each time I manually enter this item in Zotero, it becomes a separate item in the bibliography. Instead, I want it to appear once, and each note cited in the text references a different page in the same bibliographic entry.

How can I set this up manually in Zotero, that is, without using a supported text editor?

Specifically, I want to:
* Enter a book's bibliographic details one time in one place
* create a collection or other grouping for all of a chapter's citations which becomes that chapter's notes
* within that collection, enter citations which reference the main bibliographic entry with a page or chapter number

What is the best way to do this? Thank you for your help.
  • Do you mind saying what text editor you are using? There may be better options.

    Otherwise, I don't quite understand how you're generating the citations or how you want them to look. Could you provide an example?
  • edited July 23, 2024
    (see a more succinct request in the following comment)

    I am using the Atom text editor. I'm deep into a very large book project and I like this text editor and associated tools much better than Word/Google Docs, so I want to focus on making this work.

    Each citation in a chapter has the form [xxx-book name page number] or [xxx-report name url]. This helps me link the citation in my text with the item in Zotero as you can see in the screenshot.

    I've been entering the book or report bibliographic information manually into Zotero for each chapter. In the case of webpages, I've used Zotero's browser plugins which have helped a lot.

    Each chapter currently has its own collection in Zotero. The trouble is that when I want to reference the same book in two places, I've been creating a new entry for each one and just giving them different page numbers. But then when I create the bibliography, the same book is listed twice.

    When I create my bibliography and notes currently, I get this:

    Linderman, F. (1932a). In Red Mother (p. 248). The John Day Company.
    Linderman, F. (1932b). In Red Mother (p. 249). The John Day Company.
    Linderman, F. (1932c). In Red Mother (p. 251). The John Day Company.

    (Linderman, 1932a)
    (Linderman, 1932b)
    (Linderman, 1932c)

    What I want instead:
    Linderman, F. (1932). Red Mother. The John Day Company.

    (Linderman, 1932, p248)
    (Linderman, 1932, p249)
    (Linderman, 1932, p251)

    The attached image shows how I'm currently saving the book. All these are in the same collection, but I would want other chapters/zotero collections to be able to reference the same underlying book.
  • What I would really like is a way to add all my bibliographic entries in one collection, and then add links/citations within other collections. But I currently don't see a way to add a citation like "(Linderman, 1932, p251)" which links to a bibliographic entry that already exists in Zotero. Is there a way to do this?
  • edited July 23, 2024
    Normally you would only have the main book reference in your library, and edit the in-text citation when you want to reference specific pages (see for example ). However, this feature is essentially provided by the word processor plugin, so it won't work out of the box for you.

    Maybe you could do what you want if you use the Better Bibtex plugin, and process your document through pandoc?
    You would probably need to modify all of your documents to take advantage of these tools, which can be a significant amount of work; how advanced is your project?

    (or perhaps someone can suggest a less technical solution...)
  • edited July 24, 2024
    Thank you Aborel. It's helpful to at least know that Zotero is designed for a different workflow.

    One reason I prefer working with Atom and a pure text editor is that I can write my own software to automate a lot of the formatting, bibliographic tasks, and other things as well as use git to track changes. I think I can write a tool to automatically convert my system for tracking citations into one that will let me use Zotero in the way you describe. I wrote software to automatically convert my chapter text files with pandoc and upload them to google docs for collaborative editing, so I'm already using Pandoc to output docx files which Zotero could scan.

    Another question - I understand Zotero is meant to work with the document plugins, but is there a way to give Zotero a path to a pure text file and have it scan that file for citations? Or does it only work with the plugins for Google docs/ MS Word/Libreoffice?
  • Another question: is there a way to merge the contents of two or more collections into one? I do not see a merge command.
  • The pandoc/Better Bibtex workflow I was suggesting should be what you are looking for. You apparently have the right skill set to make it work :-)
  • I am not sure I have followed exactly what you're after, but might RTF Scan ( ) be helpful?

    The link above states: "Zotero's RTF Scan feature allows users to create a fully cited document without having to use the word processor plugin".
  • Yes, I would also suggest a workflow using pandoc (and the BBT add-on in Zotero) when using a plain text editor. You can even use BBT to trigger a version of the add-citation add-on that will add pandoc-style citations into Atom (there used to also be an add-on. I'm not sure that still works: generally I'd strongly advice moving off Atom, specifically, because it's no longer maintained and (since it's built on top of an now insecure browser-based platform) poses significant security risks for your computer. VS Code provides similar functionality and is what GitHub recommends as a replacement for Atom.

    RTF scan is both less reliable and would require converting the text (or markdown) file to an RTF file first, so while generally the right idea, I don't think that's the right choice here.
  • I would recommend the pandoc/BBT workflow as well. I used it to write a thesis and really enjoyed it.

    If you set your Quick Copy export format to BBT's citekey exporter, you'll be able to drag an item from Zotero into any text editor to insert a citation.
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