Decide which child file to open by default


I have a few files for which I have two pdf attached (eg the paper and its supplementary information).
Is there a way to change the one opened by default by Zotero when I double-click on the reference?
I tried to rename the child files but it did not change anything.

Thanks in advance for your help!
  • Not at this time, sorry. PDF attachments will open in the order attached to the Zotero item.
  • This feature is needed! This problem also occurs when there are draft versions with comments that need to be kept.

    R-click on document > Manage Attachments > Set as default
  • @bwiernik wrote: "PDF attachments will open in the order attached to the Zotero item."

    This does not seem to be correct. I detached all child items except the "desired default pdf" (DDPDF) from their parent (which correctly caused the DDPDF to be opened upon double click), and then re-attached the other child items. This restored the previous, unwanted, opening behaviour.

    It appears that rather than the order in which they were attached to the parent, it seems that the order in which they were added to the zotero library is what matters. I believe this to be the case because in a second attempt, I removed the non-DDPDF child items, and then didn't reattach them, but rather attached copies of their files (which I easily obtained by selecting "show file" from the context menu) (to save space, I then deleted the old, now duplicate, child items. This resulted in the desired behaviour, but is cumbersome.
  • @krueschan: Yes, bwiernik just meant that it's the order that you save attachments to an item in your library, not that you can change this by moving attachments out of and back onto the item. It's just about the age of the attachment.

    It will be possible to set a different primary attachment in a future version.
  • > It will be possible to set a different primary attachment in a future version.

    By future version you mean Zotero 7 ?
  • > It will be possible to set a different primary attachment in a future version.

    looking forward to it!
  • Seems this option is not yet available in Zotero 7.
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