[Zotero 7 Beta]: The file can not be download automatically. (ID: D934491741 D302914559)

edited July 13, 2024
Problem: Though I set the sync setting to download all file when sync, the attachment is still empty.

Detail: My attachment is synced by webdav. And I have two win11 device A and B. Both of them is using the newest version of zotero 7 beta. The device A works well. The attachment is sync to webdav well. But in the B side, the attachment will not download in one sync. Only when I open the specific item, can the attachmen be downloaded. I have tried to reset the sync history of the file, and switch the sync setting of when download the file, in need or in sync. The problem is still exist.
  • (Please use a more descriptive thread title, not just an id.)

    You're saying files download when you open them, but they're not automatically downloaded despite being in "at sync time" mode?

    Your debug output doesn't show you opening/downloading a file after the sync. Can you try again and include that?
  • edited July 13, 2024
    Yes, I want all the file is downloaded to the local. Then when I open an item, I don't need to wait the download process, because sometimes the network of my webdav is not good. So I switch to the "at sync time" mode, however, the download is still only happened when I open an item.

    The ID of new debug contains the opening and downloading is: D302914559. I open 3 files which do not have local file so the download happened when I open it.

    I have about 600 files, and about 100 in local, about 500 in webdav. When I reset the sync history, the indication of the new sync shows that counts of the sync is only about 100, which means it maybe only focus the local file?
  • There's still no download attempt in there. Make sure the sync process is stopped and that logging is enabled while you try to open a file that triggers a download.
  • I have a new test. ID: D1238408132.

    The first two test, I used the "restart to debug mode" to enter troubleshooting mode. This time I choose the "enable the log" option.

    Follow is my operation when enable the log:
    1. Click the sync button at top right corner, and wait it done.
    2. Reset the sync history, and sync again, wait it done. If I put my mouse to the sync button, there will display a sync count from about 100 to 0. (However I have about 600 files, the number 100 is correspond to my 100 local files. I guess the sync ignore the item without local file. And I observe my network speed, there is no download. That means the sync only compare the item with local file.)
    3. I choose an item without local file. (I open the directory in zotero, there will be an error, as Fig. 1. Then I find the folder in windows explore, there is no PDF, as Fig. 2.)
    4. Double click the item, then wait a few second, the file is open in zotero, then I close it. And after that, I find there is a PDF in the folder, as Fig. 3, which means that the PDF is downloaded from webddav when I open it.
    5. submit the log.

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