Sync issues report ID 1613744380

Dear Zotero, I had sync issues because I got a new computer, and my Mac backup was not incorporated correctly. I deleted my old collections, uninstalled Zotero, and reinstalled it with the same account. My old collections appeared again, but it is having issues syncing once more. Suggestions? Thanks
  • [JavaScript Error: "Unix error 13 during operation open on file /Users/guillermomoreno/Zotero/storage/ZLV4J5QY/.zotero-ft-unprocessed (Permission denied)"]
    The files don't seem to have been transferred properly — you're getting permissions errors. You need to make sure that all files and folders within your Zotero data directory are readable and writable by your macOS user account.

    (Generally when moving to a new Mac you want to use Migration Assistant, which should handle this all correctly.)
  • For some reason, when I tried to restore my Time Machine backup, the new Mac did not accept it. So, I had to transfer all the files manually. The files are on my drive, and I can open them without a problem. Thanks for the response.
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