sci-hub :doi is missing,can't download pdf from website

in every website i enter, the zotero icon is always a gray icon which only supports webpage snapshot. in some webpage like
, when i click the gray icon, it will reply: sci hub: doi is missing.
know that sciencedict is not working now, but others shoud have been working normally.
additonally, i have installed sci-hub plugin and doi manager. i have also installed jasminum only for CNKI, so CNKI work normally.
Retell the issue in Chinese:
安装茉莉花和SCI-HUB,DOI MANAGER之后,只有知网可以正常下载pdf, 但是其它网站都不能下载pdf,原因是doi is missing,可能是网站不能识别doi
how to solve this?
  • in every website i enter, the zotero icon is always a gray icon which only supports webpage snapshot
    Make sure you have the latest version of the Zotero Connector (for Chrome, that's currently 5.0.136). Right-click its toolbar icon, Preferences -> Advanced -> Reset Translators.

    If pages still aren't being detected correctly, we'll need a Connector Debug ID - reload the page with debug output logging enabled, then submit and post the ID here.

    For issues with plugins, you'll need to talk to the plugins' developers.
  • It's also possible that the add-on is missing is interfering with Zotero functionality, so try with all add-ons disabled for testing.
  • my Connector Debug ID is D225573900, and it is 5.0.126, but there is no update 5.0.136 version in edge
  • Repeated the operation in Chrome, and the result remained the same as in edge. Don't konw why. Haha
  • That's a message from a plugin. We can't help you with that.
  • edited June 29, 2024
    Oh, but re: the gray icon, you have various third-party translators installed, and you're missing hundreds of official translators. Disable all third-party plugins in Zotero and, as Abe said, reset your translators from the Advanced → Files and Folders section of the Zotero settings.

    To be clear, this isn't really about PDFs — your Zotero is just broken due to one of your plugins and Zotero isn't detecting websites properly.
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