Better integration with digital pens

This discussion was created from comments split from: Available for beta testing: Zotero, redesigned.
  • I love the new Zotero. It works great and the interface is clean. One feature I would like to see is better integration with digital pens. On my Microsoft Surface when I select highlight in Zotero to highlight something in a paper the highlight works with my finger OR my pen. I would like it to work only with my pen so I can use my fingers to scroll up and down the paper. Now I need to select highlight, highlight my text and then deselect highlight to be able to scroll. With better integration of the pen I would to be able to select highlight and use my pen to highlight and my fingers to scroll. No need to select and unselecting highlight all the time. This feature is already available in the pdf reader in edge or drawboard or other apps.
    Thank you!
  • "With better integration of the pen I would to be able to select highlight and use my pen to highlight and my fingers to scroll. No need to select and unselecting highlight all the time."

    It works this way in the iPad app, so I agree it should be similar in the other versions, including Windows and Android. Thank you!
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