[Zotero 7 Beta] Jumping focus to the Title when editing fields in the Item Pane

Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a new item (e.g. "Journal Article")
2) Enter a title (e.g. "Title")
3) Click in the Last Name of the first Author
4) Type something (e.g. "LastName")
5) While the focus is still in the Last Name field, click in the First Name field
-> The focus jumps to the Title field.

Same if you go from another field to the First or Last Name fields.

Zotero 7.0.0-beta.78+5be5ca941 (64-bit)
Windows 10

May be related to this previous report:
  • +1 on this bug
  • mc
    edited May 20, 2024
    When editing existing items
    1. Tab through the Item pane fields and all the Author and related fields and buttons are skipped.
    2. Control+tab (Windows) in the Item pane, for example from Publication, and the Title field is skipped but the Author fields are not.

    A long running one but I've not reported it before:
    3. Tab through fields in the Item pane and edit or delete the contents of a field that has a button next to it (for example URL, DOI, Title, Publication) and the button is briefly selected and then loses focus.
  • edited May 21, 2024
    I opened the thread below earlier but it is related to this thread. And the one linked above.

    Very annoying bug. If I enter parent data manually, e.g. Author (last) name and push tab, then I often end up typing over the Title of the item since the tab does not lead to (first) name, but to Title.

  • 3. Tab through fields in the Item pane and edit or delete the contents of a field that has a button next to it (for example URL, DOI, Title, Publication) and the button is briefly selected and then loses focus. (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/463358/#Comment_463358)
    This problem has resurfaced in a beta before 87 (85 maybe?).
  • I am still on beta 85, MacOS . Cannot confirm that behavior there. Delaying updating to 87 then ...
  • @mc: I can reproduce.

    Debug ID: D970375004
    Zotero 7.0.0-beta.87+f59a4da7f (64-bit)
    Windows 10

    @otexplorer: 85 is the latest beta on Mac. 86 and 87 were Windows only updates fixing Word for Windows integration.
  • Thanks, can reproduce as well.
  • Debug ID:D420903836
    Zotero 7.0.0-beta.90+f829d7c43 64-bit
    Windows 11

    This bug is worse than I first thought. Any Item field that is edited or changed and then tabbing to the next field results in the Items pane losing focus.
  • edited June 22, 2024
    The Tab/focus bug should be fixed now in beta 91.
  • Thank you. It is partially fixed, but it can still be triggered back.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Click on the "Title" field of a Journal Article
    2) Edit the field
    3) Press Shift+Tab
    -> The "Item Type" briefly appears as selected and then loses focus.

    After these steps, the previous bug is back, for all items.

    Debug ID: D93087983
    Zotero 7.0.0-beta.91+3c6625f3c (64-bit)
    Windows 10
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