Twitter & Medium snapshots are completely broken + other connector issues

edited June 12, 2024
The Twitter translator saves snapshots that are completely broken: all that's saved is the side bar, the cookie prompt, an error message ("Something went wrong. Try reloading.") and a "Retry" button that does nothing

The connector also seems to have lost the Ctrl-Shift-S shortcut for saving the current page

It has been broken like this for a while. I could fix it by reverting my browser profile to an old backup, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. I guess it was a recent update of the extension that broke both features

Zotero version: 7.0.0-beta.83+066eda731 (64 bit)
Zotero Connector version: 5.0.128
Browser: Google Chrome 124.0.6367.202 (32 bit)
  • edited June 12, 2024
    Medium is also broken. If I save a members-only story reached through a Friend Link, I receive a snapshot of the paywall. Zotero Connector no longer saves what I see on screen and this is extremely concerning. Virtually unusable
  • edited June 12, 2024
    Stand-alone SingleFile (version 1.22.49) works, for what it's worth. That is, it would work if Zotero Connector didn't break it, sending it in an apparent infinite loop

    edit: I posted details here:

    Is there a way to downgrade Zotero Connector?
  • Downgrading to 5.0.124 (unpacked debug build), unsurprisingly, fixes *all* issues (Twitter snapshot, Medium snapshot, Ctrl-Shift-S shortcut, SingleFile conflict), but it also downgrades the extension to manifest v2, which will reach EOL soon
  • This will be fixed in 5.0.129 (awaiting Chrome store approval since yesterday). Sorry for the trouble.
  • Excellent news, that's a huge relief. Thank you
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