[Bug Report] Word Plugin for Mac not using right Style for Bibliography in German

Hello everyone,

I use the Zotero plugin for Word on Mac. Word runs in German. The style sheet for bibliographies is called by default "Literaturverzeichnis". However, the formatting of the bibliography by Zotero uses the paragraph style "Bibliography".

The process is described in the documentation as follows: "The formatting of the bibliography can be modified by editing the "Bibliography" (Word) or "Bibliography 1" (LibreOffice) word processor style."

I simply created a new paragraph style called "Bibliography". However, this is automatically renamed to "Literaturverzeichnis" after Word is restarted. This means that the bibliography is formatted in the wrong style after every restart.

Is it possible to change the paragraph style used on Zotero's side? Or can someone help me find out what is going wrong in Word?

Many thanks for your help!
  • Is bibliography formatted wrong for you? Do you want to modify the formatting? Does it work if you modify the "Literaturverzeichnis" style?
  • The Zotero plugin formats correctly if a style called "Bibliography" exists. It does not respect the "Literaturverzeichnis" style.

    If a new style "Bibliography" is created, Zotero formats correctly. When Word is restarted, this style is automatically renamed and is called "Literaturverzeichnis" again. Zotero now ignores the style and formats with the default style of Word.
  • What is the full version number of Word that you are running (e.g. 16.85.2)?
  • Version 16.85.2
  • Hmm. This seems like a new bug. I've created a ticket to track it. We'll try to fix this soon.
  • I saw that you closed the ticket. Were you able to find the source of the problem?
  • edited June 11, 2024
    Yes, this is now fixed in the Zotero Beta. Since it required a non-trivial update to our codebase, we want to wait a little longer to make sure something else is not broken by it. It will be released for Zotero 6 in the coming weeks. If you need the fix immediately, you may switch to the Zotero Beta.
  • Thank you!
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