Citation key icon in Zotero 7

This is just the smallest suggestion, and taste is idiosyncratic, but because I spend much of my day in Zotero I hope you will consider it: To my eye, the Citation Key icon in the Zotero 7 beta is too bright, relative to the other icons. It is, moreover, the only icon with a border. I might dial down the brightness and remove the border.

Thanks for all your work: the Zotero 7 beta is a joy to use.
  • the citation key icon is BetterBibTeX, you'd want to bring that up with the developer on github (though he's always been very clear that he isn't much of a UI person)
  • I see, thanks!
  • This design was actually submitted by a user who made some design comments over on GitHub (specifically on the color that was selected).

    Personally, I think the border was a good design decision. It makes the visual width of the icon match there other icons which all have the same width (even the 'attachment' and 'tags' icons diagonally reach the same width as the other icons). This provides a balance to the icon. Without the border, the 'citekey' icon would actually look quite imbalanced and would look out of place. (But regarding the color, looking at the cite key icon in the sidebar, I do agree that the chroma does look more intense when compared to the other icons.)
  • Ah, that helps a lot, thanks.
  • Yeah, as darrylmy said, I submitted this last icon for BetterBibTeX. Initially, this design was made to adapt to the dark mode. The plugin developer claimed that this is only a temporary scheme. This section will disappear once the citekey could be added to the info section. BTW, the icon's border was removed in the latest release of the BetterBibTeX plugin.
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