New Zotero 7 Sync errors

edited May 29, 2024
Hi all,

I have a sync problem that seems to be related to the last few betas. I have attached a screenshot of the error. When I look at the log, it seems to be permission-related, but I'm not sure it is because the sync still goes ahead - I can see all the latest changes on the web version on another device, including all annotations.

I tried completely deleting the reference and re-adding it, which solved that problem for that reference, but it then found another to complain about, and so on. But there doesn't seem to be a pattern for why it does this on certain references. I have, of course, checked that the file isn't opened elsewhere, and Windows and Zotero have full access privileges. I have also uninstalled/reinstalled and freshly resynced from the web, which works for a while.

When I went back to Zotero 6, everything was fine, but I couldn't stay in 6 as I had ebooks and annotations that could only be seen in 7.



copy of log:

[unrelated errors removed — D.S.]

[JavaScript Error: "NotAllowedError: Access was denied to the target file" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/file.js" line: 1399}]

[JavaScript Error: "The file 'C:\Users\kevin\Zotero\storage\EA4B6QB6\2022 - How Nature contributed to science’s discriminatory legacy.pdf' cannot be updated.

Check that the file is not currently in use, that its permissions allow write access, and that it has a valid filename.

Restarting your computer or disabling security software may also help."]
  • Can you provide a Debug ID for a sync that produces this error? (We never want full error reports or debug output here. We'll excerpt relevant portions as necessary.)
  • Hi dstillman,

    That makes sense. Here is the debug ID: D1675284034

  • I had the same problem. When I reset the file sync history, that seemed to fix it.
  • Reset File Sync History wouldn't fix this — if anything it might just hide the problem.

    @Kevin1980: If you temporarily disable auto-sync in the Sync tab of the settings, restart Zotero, and run this in Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript, what's the result?

    return await IOUtils.setModificationTime(PathUtils.join(Zotero.Attachments.getStorageDirectoryByLibraryAndKey(1, 'EA4B6QB6').path, "2022 - How Nature contributed to science’s discriminatory legacy.pdf"), 1715440938022)
  • Hi dstillman,

    the result is:

    ===>1715440938022<=== (number)
  • Hmm.

    If you sync now, do you get an error for a different item?
  • Just re-enabled sync and weirdly I get no sync errors now! I wonder why its fixed itself - a bug?
  • Well, we manually ran the file operation that the sync process was running, and it worked. So this may just be masking the problem.

    Let us know if you see it again.
  • Very strange,

    Yes will do - I have since added and annotated a few more references which all appear to have synced fine with no other errors.

    Thanks again.
  • Hello dstillman, I have also encountered the same issue in Zotero7, whether it is manual synchronization or automatic synchronization, the following error will be reported.
    I have tried the following operation:
    1. Delete the erroneous attachment and resynchronize Zotero, but it will report another attachment with a synchronization error, and so on.
    2. Completely delete the cloud data files and synchronize again. This method can temporarily resolve the error, but it will reappear in a few days.
    I use webDAV to synchronize attachments on Zotero, with the following settings:
    Here is my debug ID: D1141080381. Looking forward to your help, Thank you!
  • This should be fixed now in beta 90.
  • ok, thanks
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