APA 7 citing a film

APA 7 stipulates the following for a reference of a film:

LastNameDirector, FirstNameDirector (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Film]. Production company.

However, Zotero collects only Distributor when I try to input a film. First of all, a production company makes the movie and then sells it to a distributor, so they're different. Second, there are often multiple companies involved in production. For example, Blades of Glory was produced by DreamWorks Pictures, MTV Films, Red Hour Films and Smart Entertainment (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blades_of_Glory). The distributor was Paramount Pictures.

I can add multiple directors, but can't seem to figure out how to add multiple production companies. Any pointers? I know I can just manually fix this, but thought I might be missing something here.
  • If you look at the examples, APA just doesn't use "production company" right -- they want the distributor. I don't have the APA guidelines in front of me, but e.g. OWL has this example:

    Loyd, P. (Director). (2008). Mamma mia! [Film]. Universal Pictures.

    Where Universal is obviously the distributor, not the production company. I'd suggest just following this (it also makes much more sense, since this is the place the publisher is typically given in the citation).
  • https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/reference_list_audiovisual_media.html

    was where I originally got that information from. the direct quote is

    Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Film]. Production company.
  • Besides, distributors can change temporally and geographically. For example, a film might have one distributor in the US and another in Asia, happens all the time. Sometimes distribution rights are negotiated for only a certain amount of time. At least the production companies are a constant.
  • But in the example they give, they cite the distributor. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamma_Mia!_(film) ) I'm am quite certain that is what's intended
  • The Publisher information in APA style is principally concerned with facilitating accessing the source, so the distributor is consistent with that (what catalog should the reader consult to find the film?).

    Another consideration is that production companies are often redundant with the director, who often owns it, so the distributor provides more distinct information.
  • Also, at least versions on DVD or streaming, many films have several production companies listed. (If there is doubt expressed here, I'll find examples on IMDB.)
  • (that was part of the original question)
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