footnote last name first name in wrong order for Chicago style, full note no ibid

This problem just started this week for me. I have the latest version of Zotero for Firefox, and the Word for Windows plugin. I reinstalled the Word for Windows plugin, and still have the same problem. So, basically all the names are wrong in the footnotes; instead of Smith, John it shows up as John Smith. Any suggestions!
  • In Chicago style, John Smith is correct for footnotes. That's been what Zotero has been doing for years, I don't know why you would have ever gotten Smith, John in a footnote. See here for the brief guide to Chicago
  • I just had this same problem and it was because I had the whole name (first and last name) in the same field. In the author field, a typed in the last name and then hit "tab" and then in the next field typed in the first name. This fixed the problem.
  • I am having the following problem: I am using Chicago Style edition 17 full note. I input the name of the author as follows: "McNamer, Sarah". When I generate the footnote, the name of the author appears as follows:"McNamer, Sarah" (which is incorrect). In the bibliography item tha nmae appears in the same way (which is correct). What can I do to overcome the footnote mistake?
  • To confirm, is the author name entered as Single Field or Two Fields in Zotero?
  • Could you also paste the whole citation here and say how you generate it?
  • Response to poettli: Single field written as follows: McNamer, Sarah

    Response to adamsmith:

    Sarah McNamer, β€œThe Debate on the Origins of the Meditationes vitae Christi: Recent Arguments and Prospects for Future Research,” Archivum Franciscanum Historicum 111, no. 1–2 (June 2018): 65–112.

    Generated by introducing manually in the column headed "Info Notes, etc.": the name of the article, the journal, etc (which appeared correctly in both the footnote and the bibliography); by writing th name od the author: McNamer, Sarah and by then manually correcting the order of the name and surname in the footnote, which appeared in the incorrect order.
  • Righy click on the name and switch to two-field mode and put the two names in their respective fields.
  • Response to damnation: While I appreciated the quick response, I was unsuccessful in following the advice. No matter what I do, it is either correct in the footnote or in the bibliography, never in both of them.
  • Wait, but the footnote you pasted is correct? What are you expecting as output?
  • The footnote I pasted was correct after I manually corrected it. It is never correct in both the footnote and the ensuing bibliography item.
  • Imported from this page:

    I get this in Zotero:

    And this in Word:

  • I went through the process of inputting everything in my Zotero page as you had done. However, while I got a perfect Bibliography item, the footnote again showed "McNamer, Sarah," rather than the perfect footnote that you got. Evidently, I am in putting the name in some incorrect fashion.
  • Why do you input manually? The reason poettli provided the link is that you can use the Zotero connector to import the item and see how the data needs to be entered if you ever do need to do this by hand (which you really should try to avoid).
  • I didn't have the ISBN, DOI, PubMed ID, arXiv ID, or ADS Bibcode of the article. I now tried to do it using the URL but I was not successful. I would appreciate a detailed explanation.
  • The recommended way to add item to you library ( is to use the Zotero connector (
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