This would make reading back through and sorting highlights so much easier and quicker to comprehend. When extracting the argument/idea from a long text you want to cut corners between only the most relevant stuff. By being able to append highlights so they are formatted as “the first highlight…second highight following on” (with the “…” crucial) it will save that tiny bit of time working out where one bunch of highlights begin and end—time which adds up to a significant amount over a large amount of highlights.
@martynas_b Thank you! I was using the beta 7 but did not realise that changing the highlight was possible. This is very nice.
Still, I wish one day it became possible to extend a highlight by highlighting again (with the same colour) from an existing one. For example, you select "The quick brown fox" first. Then, select "fox jumps over the lazy dog" and this automatically becomes a single highlight of "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".
Thanks @mjthoraval! This had also escaped me as a possibility, that will solve at least one pain point (although would still love a way to have an annotation across two pages!)
You may need to wait a bit after opening the PDF file in the Zotero PDF Reader, so that it analyses the structure of the file. If you do it too quickly, it will still highlight the footnotes and side text:
This would make reading back through and sorting highlights so much easier and quicker to comprehend. When extracting the argument/idea from a long text you want to cut corners between only the most relevant stuff. By being able to append highlights so they are formatted as “the first highlight…second highight following on” (with the “…” crucial) it will save that tiny bit of time working out where one bunch of highlights begin and end—time which adds up to a significant amount over a large amount of highlights.
Still, I wish one day it became possible to extend a highlight by highlighting again (with the same colour) from an existing one. For example, you select "The quick brown fox" first. Then, select "fox jumps over the lazy dog" and this automatically becomes a single highlight of "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".
What's your latest update? Or is it hidden in settings somewhere?
Then you can click and hold to resize the annotation.
Same for underline annotations.
This was announced in a previous Zotero 7 Beta announcement:
You may need to wait a bit after opening the PDF file in the Zotero PDF Reader, so that it analyses the structure of the file. If you do it too quickly, it will still highlight the footnotes and side text:
Zotero 7.0.0-beta.96+4f780424e (64-bit)
Windows 10
I wasn't able to see this behavior on Zotero 7.0.11 (Windows 11)