Same-author same-year suffix (i.e. [yyyy]a, [yyyy]b, etc) issue

Hi all,

I'm working on a manuscript where a cited author has two works from 2010. However, each time I click "refresh" with the Word Zotero plugin, the letter after the date changes for one of these references. i.e. whereas it was initially 2020b, it changes to 2020c, 2020d, etc every time I refresh (it's at 2020e now!)

Does anyone know what is causing this? Obviously since there are only two 2010 works from this author, there should just be a 2020a and 2020b.

Thank you,
  • Gently "bumping" this - if someone gets a chance to respond, I'd appreciate it!
  • These are duplicates -- either in your library or in the document inserted from a different library or from duplicates in your library that you've since deleted.
  • Thanks for this. I've confirmed that they're not duplicated in my current library, but it's possible they were 1) inserted from a different library or 2) are duplicates in the library that have since been deleted.

    What would be the best way for me to isolate these duplicates and resolve them?

    This is a document that was worked on by people before me, so I'm not really sure where to start.

  • edited May 24, 2024
    Insert a new citation, being sure to pick it from the My Library section of the results, then copy and paste this over all of the other citations to this source in the document
  • Thank you!
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