group history / log

As we are using Zotero together with our students at university it would be very useful to have some kind of log that lists the recent activity within the group library. To see if somebody added, edited or deleted something.

Or is there maybe a possibility to do that, and I just don't know it?
  • On the left side of the group library page on, there is a button for the group’s RSS feed. You can subscribe to this feed using an RSS reader or a service like IFTTT to get emails, etc. when the group library changes.
  • Note that the feed won't show what was modified, though, and it won't show deletions. It will show who made the last change, though.

    We've wanted to do a proper activity log like this for a long time. I'm not sure when we'll get to it, but I've created an issue to track it.
  • We need the activity log feature, badly!
  • Still hope that this will make it into production - we would really benefit from this feature
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