Style request: Indian journal of Agricultural Sciences

edited May 16, 2024
They are using the specific citation style based on the guidelines of ICAR. volume number should be bold in the bibliography. semicolon should exist between vol. no and page number etc
Panda D, Sharma S G and Sarkar R K.2007. Chlorophyll fluorescence transient analysis and its association with submergence tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 77(3):344-8. This is the example one

    You'd have to say more (including which style you're starting from) for additional help. Also, please use more expressive thread titles.
  • APA 7th style
  • Is this for a specific journal? If so, please link to the author guidelines.
  • The journal is Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. They want the volume number alone to be bold and a semicolon near to it etc
  • Please change the title of this thread to:
    Style Request: Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences

    The style they use has nothing to do with APA.
  • Where can I do this
  • Please give a solution for me
  • Thank you so much. I tried this. It solved two of my problems(volume in bold and full stop at the end) But another problem arises is, in bibliography, its not showing all the authors. It is cited as et al after single author and another one is, Its showing journal name after page number which is not specific for that journal
  • It solved more than 2 problems. Again, this was far from APA and I based this style on a very different style.

    "Its showing journal name after page number which is not specific for that journal ". You will need to give an example for that. Can you also show a screenshot of how you entered this in Zotero?
  • 1.Actually, I read the instructions from CSL editor. It stated like I have to find a base reference format (from search by example/search by name of the journal) like the requirement of IJAGS and I can edit it according to the requirements of this journal. I found that its a modified version of Date-author style and I downloaded it and i replaced those codes with what you have sent.
    2.I went zotero>edit>preferences>add symbol>opened the modified codes in csv format and directly the style came as Indian journal of Agricultural Sciences and I opted that while citing and I got those two mentioned issues
    Chauhan J S, Pal Satinder, Choudhury P R and Singh B B. 2016a.
    All India coordinated research projects and value for cultivation
    and use in field crops in India: Genesis, outputs and outcomes.
    Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 50(6): 501–10. This is the exact reference of them with vol. no 50 to be bold.

  • edited May 16, 2024
    I'm not sure why you are trying to edit the style.

    You mentioned an error of the style not in agreement with the guidelines. It's still not clear what the issue is.
    When I say "entered" in Zotero I don't mean "installed", but the actual item you are trying to cite.

    (if somebody else understands what OP is trying to show, please translate for me)

  • This is what I got after using the style which you sent. Its not in par with journal guidelines
  • Not in par in the sense, Only first author is showing others are shortened by et al and publisher name is showing after page number
  • "Its not in par with journal guidelines"

    Again, you need to be more specific and also follow my requests. I'm a volunteer helping you here, but I'm running a bit out of patience.

    It looks like half of your papers are not entered correctly in Zotero. That's why I asked you to show us how you have the data entered in your Zotero library.

  • Sorry for the inconvenience caused. I hope I understand your request and acting for it. I think I am at the verge of completion and getting things right. Please help and guide me further. I am requesting you for that
  • You still have not answers my question WHAT is actually wrong.
  • I have used the reference format which you sent. Its not mentioning all the authors in the bibliography. Its giving et al after first author. Second thing is in bibliography publisher name is coming at the end which is not in case of that journal
  • (@damnation -- there are et-al statements in the author macro that you may have missed?)
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