Synchronisation and Storage

I have a problem with the synchronisation of my documents. I have saved all my documents on the local app on my computer, and they are also saved in a ‘group library’. Last week I received a message that the free storage space was full and would no longer be synchronised. However, when I log in online, my profile shows that 0% of the storage space is used. (But that can't be right?)
Now I have bought storage space, but it still shows me that it cannot synchronise, while on the website it shows me that 0% of the storage space is occupied.
Can anyone give me a tip on how to proceed here? I am very worried that all my documents will be lost.
  • edited May 8, 2024
    As you've probably realized, you have multiple accounts, with email addresses from different departments at your institution.

    It looks like you've since synced with the account you're posting from and are now using 270 MB of space.

    You would generally want to continue syncing with the account you were using before. I'm guessing you exported the data from one library and imported it into the other, but you don't want do that — that will break links to citations in word processor documents and reset all Date Added values. If you'd like us to transfer a storage subscription between accounts, email

    Once this is resolved, you should delete the other account to avoid future confusion.
  • Thank you for your comment.
    Yes, now the syncing works. However, I can't use the other account anymore because the emailaddress isn't active anymore (my institution deleted it), that's why I changed to the other emailadress.
    What should I do now?
  • (Sorry for the confusion, I just logged into my old account and probably also commented from the old account. But to be clear: I can't keep this account annalael because it's connected to my old emailadress, only the new one annalaoel where I posted the thread today in the morning)
  • I tried to resolve the problem and added another emailadress to the old account, does that help?
  • You can always change the email address associated with an account. Again, you should email us at and ask us to transfer the storage subscription to your older account. You can then delete the new account and add its email address to the other account if you want to.
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