Error Saving PDF to Library

I am getting this error "An error occurred while saving this item. Try again, and if the issue persists see Getting Help for more information." when trying to save a PDF ( to a folder in my library.
Here is the debug ID: D1592645006
Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this / why it's happening? I've used Chrome and Edge and both generated the same error.
  • uses an invalid security certificate.

    The certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown.
    The server might not be sending the appropriate intermediate certificates.
    An additional root certificate may need to be imported.

    The server is misconfigured, as explained in the "Missing Intermediate Certificate" section of Incomplete Cert Chain. If you run the SSL Labs test there, you'll see that it says "Chain issues: Incomplete".

    If you have a contact at the site, you can report it to them, with a link to that page.

    Also note that this might start working after using Zotero more, since Zotero will cache the intermediate certificate when served properly by another site. But as noted on the linked page, this fails similarly in a new profile in Firefox.
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