How to Remove the Punctuation Between title and titleaddon/subtitle in CSL?

I'm asking this question because I have a specific requirement for my citations. I'm working with Chinese titles where the value of `titleaddon/subtitle` is the translated title. The punctuation between the `title` and `titleaddon/subtitle` is unnecessary and I'd like to know if there's a way to remove it.

I've searched through the forums and found that this issue has been discussed before. However, I couldn't find a clear solution that addresses my specific need. I'm hoping that someone with more expertise in CSL customization can help me with this.

I have created a GitHub repo to demonstrate this specific issue:

In the current CSL `modern-asian-studies.csl`, there is no definition for `titleaddon` or `subtitle`. In this case, I'd like to remove the punctuation between the `title` and `titleaddon/subtitle`. E.g. removing the or period `.` colon `:` between `title` and `titleaddon/subtitle` in the following example:

If anyone has any suggestions or knows of a way to accomplish this, please let me know. I'd appreciate any help or guidance you can provide.
  • While we're happy to help with CSL questions here, please specify that you're using pandoc, not Zotero, to generate those to avoid confusion.

    In this case, subtitle is not a variable in CSL, so any handling of this would be done by the pandoc citation processor (I'm guessing when converting BibLaTeX to CSL JSON) so this isn't actually related to CSL and you'd want to ask on the pandoc support/google group (it might not be possible at all, though).
  • Thanks for your response. I'll ask for help on pandoc's GitHub repo.
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