Adding a pdf file to zotero using direct url ?

When you add some references to zotero and pdf file didn't appear in there.
You have to download that pdf file, and then copy it to zotero.
Why there is no way to add that pdf (or any file) in zotero using it's direct url ?!
  • Could you provide an example URL for which the pdf file is not downloaded? Also, be sure that "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items" is checked under Zotero Settings > General
  • Hello @poettli
    I know that, and most references got their pdf automatically, but when it doesn't it is annoying !
    last example for that:
  • Thank you @poettli
    Science direct is an example of many, so I want to focus on the MUST HAVE feature imho that I want to use and think many users will like and use.
    It is the ability to add a pdf file directly into zotero, like right-click my reference then choose (download a pdf from url), or even with using the wand button: instead of entering doi for example you enter a url of a pdf file and it will be downloaded in the current folder !
    In other work: WHY I should download a file with some browser then copy it instead of direct downloading it inside zotero ?!
  • edited 27 days ago
    The point is that Zotero 6 can't automatically download the PDF from ScienceDirect because Elsevier blocks it. Just entering a URL wouldn't work any better — if Zotero could download the file, you'd already have it. In Zotero 7, the file will be downloaded normally when you save the item (possibly after you complete a CAPTCHA within Zotero).

    For other cases where you have an item without a PDF (say, because you imported some items from a RIS file), Find Available PDF exists as a feature when you right-click on an item, and that would also work for something like ScienceDirect as long as you actually have direct or VPN-based access to the PDF. But that, too, is being blocked in Zotero 6.

    If for some reason Zotero couldn't download a PDF with the item and/or Find Available PDF isn't working, but you have a PDF loaded in your browser, you can try dragging the URL's proxy icon in your browser (the padlock or other icon to the left of the URL) directly to the item in Zotero. That's the exact equivalent of pasting a URL like you're asking for. But that may or may not work depending on how the site is configured. In some cases there's just no technically feasible option other than saving the file to disk and then dragging it into Zotero.
  • Because browsers can do things Zotero can't.
    To remain with the ScienceDirect example, the reason Zotero can't automatically download that PDF would also prevent any button in Zotero to download the PDF from working.

    (Adding a PDF using a URL is, btw., very much not a feature that's much requested, though some other ideas for attaching PDFs to items are).
  • Thank you @dstillman @adamsmith for you helpful and fast responses.

    I think Science direct got us sidetracked somehow : )
    Just to clarify my idea for the last time: my idea is about ease of use, when anyone want to download a PDF file that is not blocked behind CAPTCHA or something else to any item in zotero.

    Let me give you another example:
    The PDF link is there ( but it will not download automatically.
    I am not asking for that, I just want to copy the URL and paste it in zotero to add the file (and maybe I found the PDF file in another website).

    Also this is not about asking zotero to search for the PDF, it is about letting me give it a normal URL of the PDF to download it inside zotero without the need to: browser > download > copy.

    If it's not possible, take it as a suggestion for future releases, please.
  • edited 27 days ago
    this is not about asking zotero to search for the PDF, it is about letting me give it a normal URL of the PDF to download it inside zotero without the need to: browser > download > copy
    Yes, and as I say, for that use case, you can just drag the URL proxy icon to the item in Zotero. You can also drag the PDF link itself, before clicking on it.

    But in this case, you'll get much better results by just loading the PDF and clicking the Save to Zotero button from there. Zotero will download the PDF, retrieve metadata for it based on the DOI found in the PDF, and create a parent item. (While we don't usually recommend that approach, if you hover over the Save to Zotero button while viewing the main webpage, you'll see that it's just using the Embedded Metadata translator when you save that way, and the site is only providing very basic metadata.)
  • Thank you @dstillman

    My feedback (I did test those methods with firefox on windows):
    -Drag the URL proxy icon to the item in Zotero: didn't work for me.
    -Drag the PDF link itself: Works.
    -Loading the PDF and clicking the Save to Zotero button from there: I did click it and had it opened it a new tab, but I got: Zotero is disabled (It is not!!) and in another pdf I did keep clicking the icon without success !
  • edited 26 days ago
    You either have your browser set to download files before showing them (at file:// URLs) or you have some other browser extension like Acrobat that's intercepting PDFs (e.g., moz-extension:// URLs). Both 1 and 3 will work when viewing the PDF at regular http(s):// URLs.
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