Noob question re data and file sync
I'm new to Zotero. I want to sync Zotero installations between two computers (both Macs) over my LAN. I don't want to sync over the Web, I don't want storage on the Web. I don't want to use WebDAV, iCloud, Google Drive, or any similar service/product. I just want to make changes to my reference data and files on one machine and have those changes reflected on the other machine (and vice-versa).
Can I use Chronosync for this purpose? I've searched, but haven't found anything on point. I use Chronosync to bidirectionally sync document and photo folders on these machines, and it works quite well. But I have over 19,000 references with pdfs (52 GB, migrating from Papers), and I don't want to work through that pile if, afterward, I can't sync Zotero locally.
Any thoughts gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
Can I use Chronosync for this purpose? I've searched, but haven't found anything on point. I use Chronosync to bidirectionally sync document and photo folders on these machines, and it works quite well. But I have over 19,000 references with pdfs (52 GB, migrating from Papers), and I don't want to work through that pile if, afterward, I can't sync Zotero locally.
Any thoughts gratefully appreciated. Thanks.