Automatically update citations NOT working in Microsoft Word (Office 365)

edited April 25, 2024
I just found out that even with "Automatically update citations" ENABLED, it is not working. Have tried reinstalling the addin. Turning it OFF and ON also does nothing.
I am running Windows 11 23H2, Microsoft Word (Office 365), latest Zotero.
  • edited April 25, 2024
    You'd have to say more — saying "it is not working" isn't sufficient.

    See Reporting Problems for the two things we'd need to help you.
  • edited April 25, 2024
    Oh, ok.
    The case I found is this.
    Whenever I move one citation to another location, the format of the citation does not automatically update according to its position (full format or short format or ibid).
    For example:

    This is a demo document.
    This is from page one one one.1
    This is from page two two two.2

    1. Alister McGrath, A Theology Reader (Malden: Blackwell, 2000), 111.
    2. McGrath, A Theology Reader, 222.

    If I move the text:

    This is a demo document.
    This is from page two two two.1
    This is from page one one one.2

    1. McGrath, A Theology Reader, 222.
    2. Alister McGrath, A Theology Reader (Malden: Blackwell, 2000), 111.

    Auto update doesn't happen.
    This is the case with "Automatically update citations" enabled or disabled.
    Only after I press Refresh, does the format of the citation updated accordingly.

    After I press Refresh:

    This is a demo document.
    This is from page two two two.1
    This is from page one one one.2

    1. Alister McGrath, A Theology Reader (Malden: Blackwell, 2000), 222.
    2. McGrath, A Theology Reader, 111.

  • If you just cut & paste in a document, Zotero indeed doesn't do anything, so there's not automatic updating. Any Zotero action after that -- Refresh, add/insert citation, or add/edit bibliography -- would trigger an update of the document. With the automatically update option disabled, only "Refresh" would do so.
  • I see.
    Case closed then.
    Thank you for the explanation.
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