About the Hyperlink floating window

Sometimes i may accidentally pass by a hyperlink and accidentally trigger a floating window, which affects the smooth reading very unhappy. Is there any possible to add a switch for hyperlink floating window in the pdf reader? people can choose open it or not by themself freely rather than forced opening ~

thank you for your effort about the powerful Zotero!
  • by the way, i am using the latest beta version~
  • In future there will be a delay before opening the popup. Therefore just a pass by won't open it.

    Could you clarify what you meant by "affects the smooth reading very unhappy"?
  • edited March 7, 2024
    hi, @martynas_b, thank you for your reply. i think your solution (In future there will be a delay before opening the popup. Therefore just a pass by won't open it.) is good, it will work for sure. but i think its better to do in this way: open the popup when click the hyperlink, so there is more freedom for users to decide to use it or not.

    "affects the smooth reading very unhappy" = means the accidentally pop up will make the deep reading unsmooth.
  • @martynas_b, i finally found what should be the perfect hyperlink floating window in my heart, there is a plugin named "Google Scholar PDF Reader" in Google Chrome, click to show the floating window and people can search the reference directly on Google Scholar. Is there any possible to realize that in zotero pdf reader?
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