Zotero7 Feature suggestions: Item counting and advanced search

edited April 1, 2024
Dear Developers,
Thank you very much for your hard work. I currently have some suggestions for Zotero 7 Beta, and I hope you will consider them:
1.I have noticed that in the Zotero Android app, there is an entry count statistic on the right side of each group. I would appreciate it if this feature could also be added to the desktop version, displaying the number of items in each group for a more intuitive view.
2. I've found the advanced search functionality to be somewhat inconvenient, as I have to manually select the category I wish to search within each time. Could you consider implementing a feature similar to EndNote X9 , where the search defaults to the selected group, rather than requiring me to choose a group from the collection first?

3. I've noticed that the PDF search interface allows for categorization of search content based on case sensitivity and whether the word matches exactly. Would it be possible to incorporate these features into the advanced search functionality as well?
4.I hope that when adding references in bulk, there could be a feature to automatically remove duplicates from the library.
5.Is there a more efficient and convenient feature to help me find and delete duplicate entries in my library, otherwise I have to remove them one by one, which is quite troublesome?
Thank you!
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