Citation Request or date help reverse chronological order chicago style?

Is it possible to have Turabian author-date style?

If not:

Chicago author-date style is the closest thing to it, however for sources with the same author, it keeps sorting my articles in chronological order ex 1982, 1985, 1990, 2008 etc but I want it to be reverse chronological order-> 2008, 1990, 1985, 1982.

This is especially annoying if I have 15 sources from the same author!!!!!!!

How can I change the code for chicago author-date style to make it sort in reverse chronological order?

Please help!!!!!!!

Thank you
  • I installed it but it is not the turabian my professors want

    The problem with the turabian style curently in zotero is it does not allow for author-date style (which is what my profs want). I need author-date style turabian

    do you know how I can change the code to make the turabian style become author-date style?
    if not
    do you know how I can change the code to make chicago author date style allow the bibliography to sort the citations by author name then by date in reverse chronological order?

    thank you
  • Please don't double-post. Someone will help you—it just might take more than an hour or two at 4 a.m. on a Sunday.
  • edited November 9, 2009
    do you know how I can change the code to make chicago author date style allow the bibliography to sort the citations by author name then by date in reverse chronological order?
    sure: change
    <key macro="contributors"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>

    <key macro="contributors" sort="descending"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>

    for general instructions
  • edited November 13, 2009
    Hi I used that and it appears to work I think

    there is big problem with the author for chicago author date style

    if there is no author for a site, zotero adds anon. However that is incorrect, the source should be listed. ex if there is no author for a Boston globe article, boston globe should then become the author and the source should not be displayed.

    Is it possible for me to change something in the code to fix it?
    thank you
  • please don't double post - answered in the other thread:
  • but i am referring to different posting styles one is turabian and the other is chicago author date style unless the code is similar I could understand your point
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