Zotero webdav

edited March 16, 2024
It is solved. In the older versions, Zotero didn't have a reset tab. Every time I changed storage, the Library synced at startup, populating the new folder. I missed in the new versions the Library reset tab, but is is fixed now.
Hello. For a couple of years, I ran a WebDAV server on a Raspberry Pi/Apache. Everything worked as expected; the files synced perfectly. A couple of weeks ago, I removed the /Zotero/ folder and added a new USB drive to expand the storage, and I cannot make Zotero sync the files. Zotero created a Zotero folder in the proper directory of the USB, which means that the folder has the appropriate ownership and permissions. Checking the sync tool on the preferences, it works perfectly, but nothing. Nothing changes. Not one file is synced; the folder remains empty. The WebDav server runs on HTTP, not https, but it always was without any issue. Is there anything that I am missing? Many thanks
  • edited March 16, 2024
    (Zotero has had "Reset File Sync History" since 2009, for what it's worth.)
  • I've been using Zotero since 2009 and never noticed or used the reset tab. Every time I installed a new storage, WebDAV synced automatically. What changed in the latest versions?
  • Nothing has changed related to this in many years. Reset File Sync History is run automatically if you switch between Zotero and WebDAV file syncing — it's possible you toggled that while adjusting settings. It's not run currently automatically if you just change the WebDAV address, but we have an open ticket for that.
  • Well, I never had to use the reset before. It always synced without issues when changing storage.
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