Format of filename while converting linked file to stored file


My report id is 1478854585.

When I convert the linked file for the given item in Zotero 7.0.0-beta.65+b047f3d90 (64-bit), the resultant stored file does not take the filename as per filename template or filename syntax, which has been kept under- Settings > General > File Renaming > Filename Format > Filename Template.

Shouldn't it take the filename as kept under the aforesaid template? Kindly clarify.

If not, then- would you like to rectify the feature/functionality?

Thank you,

Chandrakant Patel
  • It won't currently rename the file automatically when converting from a linked file to a stored file, but you can right-click the attachment and select Rename File from Parent Metadata to trigger that.

    I suppose it would make sense to do this automatically if "Automatically rename locally added files" is checked.
  • Thank you for the quick reply, @dstillman.

    I had already checked the following two items:

    - "Automatically rename locally added files"
    - "Rename linked files"

    Still, it did not take the filename as per the filename template.

    Should it then take the filename as per the filename template?


    Chandrakant Patel
  • I explained this above.
  • Alright, @dstillman. Thank you.
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