View tagged text across documents?

edited July 24, 2023

I searched the forum and documentation and didn't see an answer, so I'm hoping someone can give me direction on this question.

In a nutshell, I have a number of PDFs with highlighted, tagged text. It's very straightforward to open any given PDF and filter by tag, but is there a way to review all instances of highlighted text for a tag across multiple documents?

  • You can filter the library view by tag, either from the tag selector or the search bar, and that will match attachments containing annotations with that tag, but it's not currently possible to see the actual highlighted text. We'll be adding annotations to the items list in an upcoming version, though, so it will be possible at that point.
  • I am looking for that same function. Can you tell us when it will be available?
  • edited September 10, 2023
    Do you mean adding "Annotations" to the "Match all of the following" list of searchable fields in advanced search such as "Any field, Attachment Content, Creator" etc.? Being able to search annotations would be very cool. Right now I make a note from my annotations to make them searchable.
  • +1 to this feature!
    I'm currently highlighting a few segments of text in multiple files and using the same tag. Hopefully in the future I can easily scroll through all of these segments of text across multiple PDFs.

  • A nice workaround:

    "Select All" in your library, right click > "Create Note from Annotations"
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