Notes in group libraries

I have impression, that comments dosnot work properly in groupe libraries. Possibility "Show on page" which pop up when you hit specific note (link directly in to the part of the text in the document) does not work (internal link in between note and cited text is probably broken) for other users of group library , only for autor of the note.
  • It should work. Make sure you're not creating an annotation from a PDF in your personal library rather than the group library — that of course wouldn't be accessible to other group members.

    If you can't get it to work, can you provide the URL after clicking on the note in the group library?
  • Hi, thanks for answer.
    I tested the suggested workflow - it works if I create note directly in group library.

    But if I transfer records from my personal library (all together with attached pdf, and notes), to group library it damages somehow these interlink in between the notes and the specific part of the text in the attached pdf.
  • It doesn't "damage" anything. It just copies the notes as they are, and those notes include links to the item in your personal library that aren't available to others.

    In theory we could try to rewrite these links to point to a copy of the PDF in the target library, but it's pretty complicated, because the note and the PDF may not be copied at the same time or could be copied in either order. We have some ideas for how we might be able to do this, though.

    For now, you'll need to create the note from within the target library.
  • Thank you for the clarification, and sorry for the inappropriate choice of word. Definitely for now, I will work and create notes within the group library, to ensure the functionality of this great feature for my collaborators in group library.

    My use case - i created structured library in "my library", when I filled it with items (books, documents, articles,...), properly described them, + some of them enriched with notes, i choose to share part of it in "group library". In this particular case, it definitely would make sense, rewrite these links to point to new copy. But i understand, there are a lot of other ways, users work with it, which in contrary need current setup.
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