No RIS-file import (version 6.0.30)

When I download a reference from a library site in RIS-format and click to open it, Zotero will open up - but nothing happens and the file is not imported.
My PC is running win 10, and Zotero is set as the standard app for .RIS files.
On my other PC, running win 11, but with an otherwise identical setup (as far as I can tell) of both Zotero and Zotero Connector for Chrome, RIS-import of the same file(s) works fine.
  • Does this only happen when Zotero is closed initially?

    Also, are you referring to actually downloading and opening a RIS file or to the Zotero Connector's RIS interception option?

    (Also, while RIS import should obviously work, I assume you know that's not the primary way of adding items to Zotero? You would normally use RIS only when trying to save a large number of items at once. For one or a few items, you should just use the save button.)
  • No, its also happening when Zotero is already open and running in the background.
    And yes, I download the RIS-file, click on it and Zotero opens as it should (as it is set to the default app for that file type in windows), but it does not import the data.
    Unfortunately, I can not use the Save to Zotero extension for the library database that I use mostly, since Zotero can not identify the bibliographic data, and will only import a snapshot of the webpage (the database is - a common search engine for practically all Danish public and university libraries)
  • Strangely enough: if I drag and drop a RIS-file from my download folder into Zotero, it will be added to my library, but only as a file (like with a PDF). The bibliographic data in the file are not extracted.
  • There’s nothing strange about that — that’s not how you import. I assume File → Import works properly?
  • Yes, that works. So that is of course a solution. But a bit cumbersome, compared to just clicking on the RIS-file....
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