Zotero Connector doesn't download PDF file


My Zotero Connector in Chrome doesn't download the PDF file and only saves the citation information, e.g., from Arxiv. Also, I tried with Safari, but it doesn't work either. Previously downloading PDF files worked fine in Chrome. What could be the potential reason for it and how should I fix this issue?

The software versions are:
MacOS 14.3.1 (23D60)
Chrome 121.0.6167.184 (Official Build) (arm64)
Zotero 6.0.31
Zotero Connector 5.0.116

  • Can you provide a Debug ID from Zotero for reloading an arXiv page and trying to save?
  • edited February 19, 2024
    Debug ID from Zotero: D99120364
    Report ID from Zotero Connector: 1941426505
    Debug ID from Zotero Connector: D23849332
  • Not adding attachment: automatic file attachments are disabled
    You seem to have turned off attachment saving in the preferences.
  • Oops indeed. No idea when it happened. It seems to work now. Thanks a lot!
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