When will Zotero be able to filter annotations in the document by tags?

What are the last news about this. It's a really big issue. I don't want to create for every annotation I make an external note linking to that annotation in order to filter it this is disturbing and takes a lot of time and effort
  • edited February 18, 2024
    Not sure what you mean?

    When viewing a document, you can filter annotations by tag in the Annotations tab of the left sidebar using the tag selector at the bottom.

    In the library view, you can currently filter for annotation tags using the main tag selector, and the parent attachment of any matching annotations will show up as a match. Individual annotations just don't yet show up in the items list in order to match directly, but that's still planned.
  • Look in the bottom left corner when you enter the document there is no searchbox anymore. When you have like 1000 tags in the PDF it would be great when there would be an searchbox also when entering the document.
  • edited February 18, 2024
    That image didn't come through for some reason, but you're now talking about a text field to filter the list of annotation tags, like there is in the tag selector in the main library view? We'll consider that, but it doesn't seem like that was your original question? If you're changing the subject, please do acknowledge what we said first — otherwise it makes it very hard to follow these discussions.
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