zotero experienced an error updating your document this message appear and the word logged out

  • If it works in a new, empty document, see Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents for your existing document.

    You'd have to resolve the Word license problem on your own, though — Zotero obviously doesn't have anything to do with that.
  • i have been tried almost all the solutions including trying new word document deleting most of the citation and the Microsoft office are already licensed
  • If you can't insert a citation into a new, blank document, we'd want to see a Report ID for that.

    But again, we don't have anything to do with any messages from Word about the license.
  • i have been tried almost all the solutions including trying new word document deleting most of the citation and the Microsoft office are already licensed
  • in a blank word document i can insert just one citation in the other one the Microsoft office word singed out and the message appeared
  • I can only say this so many times: we don't have anything to do with license errors or getting signed out in Word.
  • D1186944665
    report ID 729940874
  • You should fix your Word licensing issues first. If a license banner appears as you use Zotero, something is still wrong with your Word license (or even Word configuration or installation) and it isn't something that we can help you with.
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