Zotero hanging frequently when using new Word for Mac plugin

When writing in MS Word for Mac, the Add/Edit Citation is frequently resulting in Zotero becoming unresponsive. After Force Quit and reopening Zotero I'm able to add only one or two citations, before it hangs again. I've restarted both Zotero and Word multiple times and it does not resolve the problem.

This problem began after I updated the Zotero Word for Mac plugin as instructed by release 6.0.27.

Error report: 1041081763
  • Does this happen in a new, empty document, or just an existing document?
  • This happened in a very recently created document where I'm pretty certain I created the bibliography after updating the plugin. I'll test it in a new empty document.
  • Yes, the problem occurs even when adding a citation to a new empty document. Let me know if there are other diagnostics I could provide.
  • What macOS version?

    You won't be able to generate a Debug ID since it's crashing, but can you generate real-time debug output from Terminal for this and email it to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread?
  • Same issue here. Seems somewhat random, resolves itself for a while after restarting both applications but then hangs sometimes when adding a citation or adding bib. End up needing to force quit word and restart Zotero.

    MacOS: 13.5.1
    Word for Mac: 16.77
    Zotero: 6.0.27
  • same here.

    macOS: 14.3
    Word: 16.82
    Zotero: 6.0.30
  • @dstillman: sending the file right now - a whopping 15mb text file
  • @inselsbacher You have a very large file with 600 citations and Zotero has limited ability to improve the speed of Word integration on macOS due to techincal reasons. We are working with Microsoft to make it faster, but it will be some time before we have a better integration. However you can improve the speed of citation by disabling automatic citation updates in the Zotero Document preferences. Otherwise the fastest way to cite in this document will be indeed on Windows as you yourself noted in the email you sent us.
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