Search of My Library Missing Unique Strings
Happening in both 6.0.27 and the v7 Beta...
I had created a system for myself of flagging certain notes as To Do items, Research Plan items, etc., by using unique strings at the front of the note title: *DO: to flag a To Do, *RP: to flag a Research Plan, etc. These strings, which I expect to be unique from most of the other searchable text in Zotero allowed me to pull up all my To Do items by doing a search on "*DO:". This still works if I am in a subcollection that contains To Do items. But if I do the search on the entire My Library, it does not work. It does seem to try to filter down to a lesser number of items (1461 in a database of 10075) but it is way too many items and is not the notes I used the *DO: string in.
I had created a system for myself of flagging certain notes as To Do items, Research Plan items, etc., by using unique strings at the front of the note title: *DO: to flag a To Do, *RP: to flag a Research Plan, etc. These strings, which I expect to be unique from most of the other searchable text in Zotero allowed me to pull up all my To Do items by doing a search on "*DO:". This still works if I am in a subcollection that contains To Do items. But if I do the search on the entire My Library, it does not work. It does seem to try to filter down to a lesser number of items (1461 in a database of 10075) but it is way too many items and is not the notes I used the *DO: string in.
I don't think that's correct behavior, but that'd explain it.
If that's the case, instead creating saved searches with
Note -- contains -- *DO
should work nicely
It does look like everything search strips trailing colons from the search, so "AL:" or "AL: " will just match on "al" (not case sensitive), regardless of quotation marks.
If you search without quotation marks, terms are treated separately and as or, so 'AL: Mobile' (no quotation marks will search on 'al' or 'mobile'.
With quotation marks, enclosed colons are included in the search, so "AL: Mobile" in quotation marks will only find that exact phrase.
Finally, note that All Fields and Tags search does not behave the same way: there, trailing colons are treated as part of the string, so AL: (no quotation marks) will only find items that actually contain AL:
Does that roughly match what you're seeing?
P.S. This happens when searching on Everything. It works properly when I search All Fields & Tags.