Zotero 7 beta testing - Frozen Graphic interface - Report ID: 714440243

Report ID: 714440243

What I did:
I opened Zotero 7 as usual. Scrolled down to find my reference.

What happened:
The columns's headings disappeared (Picture 1), and a new section appeared at the bottom of the window (Picture 2)


Picture 2
  • Restart in Troubleshooting Mode (Help → "Restart in Troubleshooting Mode…”), which temporarily disables all plugins. Assuming that fixes it, disable all plugins, and then re-enable them one by one, restarting Zotero after each, until you find the one that causes the problem. Then report the problem to the plugin developer.
  • Thank you, @dstillman.

    It was the "Ethereal Style" plugin from @MuiseDestiny that created this issue.
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