Write Tags to file so that they also can be used on macOS system level
Brand new user so bear with me. There is a tab to add "Tags" to a document. My question is: are those tags written to the file so that the tags would sync back to macOS system level? Zotero does not seem to do this automatically and I was unable to find any option to write tags to the file manually.
I think this would be a useful feature. In case it does not yet exist, please consider this a feature request.
I think this would be a useful feature. In case it does not yet exist, please consider this a feature request.
Generally, my recommendation is to switch to using Zotero’s organization features (collections, tags) and search functions to interact with files stored in Zotero, rather than continuing to try to access them directly through Finder. There is also an Alfred workflow to integrate with Zotero if you want to be able to search, for example, using something like Spotlight.
Using Launchbar (instead of Alfred) but I think there's no specific Zotero support in Launchbar.
I also tried my hand at writing one to show items by tags. But using the web API is not ideal. It is either slow or out of sync. Alfred is using local data, but I know to little about Python to be able to port it. :(
Hi! Are you still using LaunchBar? I am working on a new action. If you are interested, the link above should still work.
My end goal is to use more complex/faster search tools (like HoudahSpot and DEVONthink) that are macOS native apps, but to limit my searches to only run on the contents of specific groups of files that I manage in Zotero. I figure that if it were possible to add macOS-level tags to items through Zotero, then I can start getting these different apps to talk to each other.
Alternatively, it would be great if the Zotero devs added RegEx search support, but that's a pretty niche feature and understandably may not be their top priority.
What I’d do is use a loop over the open windows in Finder (with a check on the folder structure → ~/Zotero/storage/[arbitrary folder name]/[file name] to make sure that you don’t catch other Finder windows).
The files are automatically selected in their window, so you can ask Finder to use the selected file, change the tag, move to the next windows, etc.
I just wrote a small script that does that, on my blog, so that you have all the proper indentation and coloring.