Zotero 7 beta: Change collection colors and expand all item-pane sections

edited January 26, 2024
Split from https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/111074/available-for-beta-testing-zotero-redesigned/p1

This looks great! I love the use of colors, but it would be even more perfect if we could change the colors of folders individually. I also liked the new additions to the pane section, but I wish we could see the content of all the sections - such as the title of the item, especially when it’s long, which happens more often than not, and the abstract - without having to navigate each of these sections individually. To put it more clearly, each section could be permanently expanded or not regardless of the size of their content, just like in Zotero 6. This definitely would save a lot of time and minimize cases of oversight.
  • edited January 26, 2024
    (Please start new threads for new issues.)
    each section could be permanently expanded or not regardless of the size of their content
    I'm not sure what you mean here. You can control whether sections or expanded or not by clicking the disclosure button, and that setting is persisted across all items. It's not related to the size of the content.
  • The sections are expanded, correct. However, when the content is too long, you still need to scrolling down through it. The expanded version does not show all the content in that particular section. Please, see the picture attached.
  • OK, got it. Yes, we're going to remove these internal scrollbars and show the full content for everything in the item pane when expanded.
  • Internal scrollbars removed in beta 57
  • This issues has been resolved and I am very happy about this. Makes things look less messy and saves times. Thank you!
  • @dstillman Again, thanks of the prompt response to the scrolling issue. Do you perhaps know how to access notes that are not associated with a particular document/entry? It is sort of difficult to remember which particular documents have associated notes.
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