Where is the citation key for Zotero 7 Beta? (Better BibTeX BBT)
How can we see (and select and copy) the citation key for a selected item in Zotero 7 Beta? The way BBT had the citation key showing above the title?
I'm really appreciating both Zotero 7 as well as BBT--Thanks for the great tools!
I'm really appreciating both Zotero 7 as well as BBT--Thanks for the great tools!
I too use a LaTeX workflow. My solution is either to wait for BBT to auto-export the new citekey to mylibrary.bib file which is then read and available in my writing app (Zettlr) or to use a 3rd party app on macos (Text Sniper) to OCR the citekey in a screen-area grab.
To copy Citation Keys, you can use the (configurable) Quick Copy functionality provided by BBT. See the section "Drag and drop/hotkey citations" in this page.
If you don't want to modify your default Quick Copy, you can configure it as a separate Quick Copy available from a right-click on one or multiple items and as a user defined shortcut from this Action Script from the Actions & Tags plugin.
Thanks a lot to the developers!
that is what you were saying, sorry. This already works, BBT on Z7 has been feature-complete (barring the citekey display issue) since August last year.This thread was a year old at this point but I still can't figure out how to get the Biblatex citation keys in the main Zotero columns. Can someone assist?