Where is the citation key for Zotero 7 Beta? (Better BibTeX BBT)

How can we see (and select and copy) the citation key for a selected item in Zotero 7 Beta? The way BBT had the citation key showing above the title?

I'm really appreciating both Zotero 7 as well as BBT--Thanks for the great tools!
  • edited February 1, 2024
    The Zotero 7 beta just has a major visual overhaul and I don’t think BBT has been updated for it. So I wouldn’t be surprised if that feature isn’t working at the moment. It will eventually once BBT is updated
  • edited February 1, 2024
    R-click on the Column Row (ikr) in the Main window and select 'Citation Key' from the options that appear. That at least gets you the citekey displayed. But while Scite plugin is still broken in Z7b, copying the citekey isn't straightforward.

    I too use a LaTeX workflow. My solution is either to wait for BBT to auto-export the new citekey to mylibrary.bib file which is then read and available in my writing app (Zettlr) or to use a 3rd party app on macos (Text Sniper) to OCR the citekey in a screen-area grab.
  • edited February 3, 2024
    At the moment, the display of the Citation Keys is indeed in the central pane of My Library (items list) instead of the Item Pane as before. This is the last missing update in Zotero 7 Beta.

    To copy Citation Keys, you can use the (configurable) Quick Copy functionality provided by BBT. See the section "Drag and drop/hotkey citations" in this page.

    If you don't want to modify your default Quick Copy, you can configure it as a separate Quick Copy available from a right-click on one or multiple items and as a user defined shortcut from this Action Script from the Actions & Tags plugin.

    Thanks a lot to the developers!
  • That's useful, thanks! Works with Zettlr
  • Didn't know about the Quick Copy functionality, that is extremely useful. Thanks!
  • edited February 3, 2024
    The Zotero 7 beta just has a major visual overhaul and I don’t think BBT has been updated for it. So I wouldn’t be surprised if that feature isn’t working at the moment. It will eventually once BBT is updated
    The overhaul took me by surprise but the change was fairly minor, so BBT has been updated since, but the citation key display is waiting for this.

    My solution is either to wait for BBT to auto-export the new citekey to mylibrary.bib
    This already works, BBT on Z7 has been feature-complete (barring the citekey display issue) since August last year.
    that is what you were saying, sorry.
  • Hi,

    This thread was a year old at this point but I still can't figure out how to get the Biblatex citation keys in the main Zotero columns. Can someone assist?
  • For the moment you need the BBT plugin to do this.
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