Request: Book Chapters as Childs in Book item

Dear all,

Would it be possible to add a book chapter type inside a book item?

In my field of study it's common to have companions, books organized by a team of editors and a different author for each chapter.

To be able to use Zotero in LibreOffice and to cite it properly, ie, only the chapter that I need, i have to duplicate a record with Zutilo to create a book chapter from a book item. But then, I have two different items in my list that relate to the same PDF.

This could be solved if a book item could have nested books chapters, this way, we could cite only the chapter and avoiding a duplication of records, because the main list would be listing only the book item (as the chapter is its child).

I hope that I was clear.


  • That's long been discussed -- most commonly as "hierarchical item types" -- it's fairly difficult to do on a technical level, so I honestly wouldn't expect this to happy any time soon.
  • Wouldn't it be a simple solution if a child item (as a book chapter) gets a "visible=no" property and is then placed as it was a pdf file inside the book item? this way, if we need to edit it, it would be a matter of visivble=yes and then return back to a nested item, as it was a 'file'.
  • +1 feature request
  • +1 feature request.

    Yes, this would be a significant, but greatly valued technical undertaking.

    For parts of a book, there are prefaces, translators' introductions,
    section introductions, name indexes, subject indexes, as well as
    basic chapters. And objects of objects ARE inherently complex.

    I used to use (when funds were plentiful) Citavi, which handles this
    use-case with ease. It is THE ONE feature I miss above all others.

    Please do consider implementing this before other upgrades.


  • +1 feature request
  • +1 feature request
  • +1. I wonder if implementing this feature is any more feasible now with the new beta design.
  • +1

    This would reaaally simplify handling copious chapter citations.
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